Tag: comedy

To treat with excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration

I was not particularly indulgent with the Catholic Church and Pope Inquisitor, when I last discussed plenary indulgences on here. (Quoting Hitchens doesn’t count.) I see that the indulgences are newsworthy again, with some discussion this week of a piece in the Times. I’m mostly amused that part of the point of the piece is that most Catholics apparently don’t… Read more →

Observational Items

I believe that it is not hyperbole to say that the existence, even in conceptual form, of the Chompr is the final clear sign that Western society has slipped completely into decadence. First of all, if you can’t hold a sandwich in your hand, you shouldn’t be trying to eat it. Second of all, you should be able to engineer… Read more →

Completely Unrelated Items

Continuing on the theme of my being impressed by the kind of madness that is constructive (this dates back to at least the first time I found out about Korczak Ziolkowski), let us take a moment to reflect upon the kind of person who could build the Underground Fortress. I am weirdly attracted to the idea. It panders to both… Read more →

The Bricklayer’s Lament

The first time I encountered the Bricklayer’s Lament was in the 400 Bar in Minneapolis. Todd Menton had just played a set with a backing band consisting of a digeridoo and two tubas<ComicBrogue>”Two tubas. Two tubas are magic.”</ComicBrogue>. At some point after the set–possibly as part of the encore, although the years and the Guinness that night have conspired to… Read more →

What You Get For Being A Grownup

I am the world’s worst homeowner. I never seem to get around to doing the routine maintenance that owning a home entails. Some of this I can get away with because I will pay someone else to do it, and some of it is covered by my awesome wife–for instance, all my neighbours think I am “not a man” because… Read more →

Urban Camouflage

This could easily have been the last item in that last link post, but I felt it was gloriously bizarre enough to merit a post all its own: Man found in WI basement covered in BBQ sauce APPLETON, Wisc. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – A couple telephoned police in the middle of the night after finding a man in their basement covered… Read more →

Twelve Million…

It’s been a crazy week at work, which is eating a lot into my personal time, but I don’t really write about the job here. That being said, apparently going to the weekly poker game with a lot of repressed anger fills in nicely for the “killer instinct” my poker play is usually lacking–since I dodecupled up tonight. Since work… Read more →

Officers, in offices, being official.

Look, if you know me, or you’ve read this blog for any length of time, it should come as no surprise that I am a huge Tom Waits fan. I dig Tom’s music of course–hell Hold On is probably my all time favourite song, and he’s probably got a dozen at least in the top hundred, but I also like… Read more →

Crazy Australians pretending to be crazy Italians

Have you seen Italian Spiderman yet? The premise is that Italian Spiderman was a 1968 Italian action-adventure film made by Alrugo Entertainment, which was deemed “un-viewable” by Italian distributors and never released. The story has the only 35mm print of the film being lost at sea, but recovered in the present day, thereby allowing Alrugo Entertainment to release the film… Read more →

Early Saturday Morning Gallimaufry

And, time to close a few more tabs… It’s lovely that the Internet can bring me an interactive beer and food matching guide. Sadly, it uses a different algorithm than I do–resulting in far more matches with “see through” beer than my scheme would generate. Speaking of beer, I love the idea of beer haiku. My favourite so far: You… Read more →

I Live (Kinda)

(This is a bit journal-ish. Skip ahead if that kind of stuff doesn’t interest you.) You know, the last time I can back from Australia, I was hungover and carrying the Aussie death flu bug, and I was wiped out for several weeks. This time I seem to have been wiped out first, and then picked up an illness. I… Read more →

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.