Whether you believe it or not, you should be jealous

Why? Why should you be jealous?

Not because I just spent 9PM-midnight on the phone in conference calls with Australia for work. I am jealous of you all because you didn’t have to do that, and don’t have to do it every Thursday.

No, you should be jealous of me because I have just finished these calls, and now I am drinking an Old Rasputin, and eating the one of the strangest cheeses known to man: Sticky Toffee Cheese!

Sticky Toffee Cheese

The manufacturer describes this as “cheddar cheese with toffee, dates and raisins” and as “a sweet dessert cheese inspired by the classic English ‘pudding’ Sticky Toffee”.

While I’m sure I wouldn’t want to eat this everyday, a small nibble with a nice pint is really helping me get over meeting trauma.

Apparently eating this cheese in Britain is a cause for hilarity, or at least it is among kids at uni. I just saw it at Pete‘s this week and figured it was worth a try. Sadly I didn’t get to my poker game this week, so I couldn’t get the group’s opinions–there are one or two cheesemeisters in that group who might have been entertaining on the subject. Also, the piece I bought from Pete was a lot smaller than the half-wheel above, so I suspect he’s buying bulk and cutting it up for retail to the curious. Like me.

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.