Tag: gadgets

Holy Tesla, Batman

I’m still trying to keep up with the TED talks, and today’s is a cool one for anyone interested in either Tesla or the concept of broadcast power generally. To be fair this is a much shorter-range version of broadcast power than Tesla was after, but still… The presenter is the CEO of WiTricity, which is commercializing the technology, which… Read more →

A Monday Night Gallimaufry

Let’s see if we can close some of the myriad tabs I’ve opened in the process of trying to catch up with everything that happened in the non-work world while I was off spending time at the Melbourne office: I’m quite impressed at the 16-year old (from the city where I did my university days) who managed to isolate plastic… Read more →

Lab Upgrade

No normal blogging today, since I was mostly busy with family stuff. For cynical Good Friday stuff, hit the search bar and look for “Good Friday” or “Eostre”, and you can read last year’s stuff. The other thing keeping me busy was an upgrade to “the lab”, also known as “my office”, or “the library” depending on how I feel.… Read more →

I am a child

So we’ve pretty much established that I’m 35, but I’ve got to tell you, I’m basically still a child. When I see something like the page of “revenge” items at Spymall, I just laugh like an evil ten-year old, and spend time coming up with ill-advised scenarios in which I could use that stuff. (And I do mean ill-advised–I should… Read more →

Fall notes

I have travelled over 2000km so far this week. The vast majority of this has been on more or less empty highways, driving through absolutely resplendent fall colours, mostly on routes that parallel rivers. To put this in the simplest possible terms, this has been one hell of a powerful nature toke. I know I resisted Apple for the longest… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.