The final meme of 2008

Saw this at Margo Lanagan’s blog, and felt like doing it.

Things you’ve already done: bold.
Things you want to do: italicise.
Things you haven’t done and don’t want to—leave plain.

  1. Started your own blog – you are reading it, running strong for more than a couple of years
  2. Slept under the stars – in a Roman ruin outside Ouchy and on the lawn outside Village at UW, among others
  3. Played in a band – Only if vocals count
  4. Visited Hawaii – I think I like the idea, in a Magnum P.I. sense, but there are lots of places higher on the list
  5. Watched a meteor shower
  6. Given more than you can afford to charity – only technically true, in the “have borrowed money to give to charity” sense
  7. Been to Disneyland/world – Epcott as a kid, and Disney as part of a Sybase TechWave once
  8. Climbed a mountain – Both in the Rockies and in Switzerland
  9. Held a praying mantis – with my daughter!
  10. Sang a solo – twice, most notably the Joe Cocker number I did in P.O.E.T.S. during my laryngitis attack
  11. Bungee jumped – I am not a fan of falling
  12. Visited Paris – almost 20 years ago now
  13. Watched a lightning storm at sea – I did see a really wicked lightning storm from the patio at Moose Winooski’s once
  14. Taught yourself an art from scratch – I wish I were artistic. Sigh.
  15. Adopted a child – were Trish or I sterile, I think I would have totally pushed for this
  16. Had food poisoning – and to this day, still haven’t forgiven my wife for how she treated me
  17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
  18. Grown your own vegetables – I have made some frightening tomatoes in my day
  19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
  20. Slept on an overnight train – Lots of times, mostly in Europe–I still want to actually do this on the Orient Express though, although that’s crazy expensive
  21. Had a pillow fight – lots of times, although never with the Swedish Bikini team
  22. Hitch hiked – this was the normal way to get to concerts in Toronto when I was a kid, and was also a big part of my trans-European travel in the 80s
  23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill – I am a believer in the “mental health day”.
  24. Built a snow fort – I have engineered some monsters in my day. Most recently a fort with a massive snow throne
  25. Held a lamb – this past summer, with my daughter, if not at any other point
  26. Gone skinny dipping – in a quarry in Cochrane, before partying in a graveyard
  27. Run a marathon – I have zero urge to do this; I’d love to be more fit, but marathons always seemed a but much
  28. Ridden a gondola in Venice – I would actually like to see Murano, but I suspect that the end of the old school glassworks would sadden me
  29. Seen a total eclipse
  30. Watched a sunrise or sunset – I watch the sunset all the damn time here; Nova Scotia is amazing for sunsets
  31. Hit a home run – I don’t really enjoy baseball, but on occasions when I’ve had to play my at bats have generally either been strike outs or homeruns; if I hit, I hit hard
  32. Been on a cruise – I have no real interest in this
  33. Seen Niagara Falls in person – lots and lots of times
  34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors – depending on how far back you go, my honeymoon may qualify
  35. Seen an Amish community – do Mennonites count?
  36. Taught yourself a new language
  37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
  38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person – also almost 20 years ago now
  39. Gone rock climbing – even had formal lessons in it
  40. Seen Michelangelo’s David in person – also almost 20 years ago now
  41. Sung Karaoke – one time, at the Silver Star, a Johnny Cash tune
  42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
  43. Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant – there are a few of these, but the best story was the girl Ralph and I found crying and drunken on the street, who we took for a meal at the OEP, and then drove home to her angry policeman father
  44. Visited Africa
  45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
  46. Been transported in an ambulance – I’d like to continue to have this unbolded as long as possible
  47. Had your portrait painted
  48. Gone deep sea fishing – no interest
  49. Seen the Sistine chapel in person
  50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris – with two girls from L.A. and a mad Australian, all of whom I met in Lyons and travelled with for a while
  51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
  52. Kissed in the rain
  53. Played in the mud – in 1984 I supervised the construction of gigantic mud pit into which people could jump while listening to Van Halen’s Jump–I was 11
  54. Gone to a drive-in theater – I believe my first drive-in movie was Popeye, and the last was The Wedding Crasher’s (there is a drive-in operating in Nova Scotia)
  55. Been in a movie – a documentary about Owain Glyndŵr, in which I was an unnamed Welsh casualty
  56. Visited the Great Wall of China
  57. Started a business – I was the co-owner of Excessa Technologies for most of my university years
  58. Taken a martial arts class – I progressed through one belt in judo before getting bored
  59. Visited Russia
  60. Served at a soup kitchen – only a couple of times, but something I should seriously consider doing more of now
  61. Sold Girl Scout cookies
  62. Gone whale watching – although oddly never here in NS
  63. Gotten flowers for no reason
  64. Donated blood – I used to do this regularly, but stopped since moving to NS
  65. Gone sky diving – see above, re: dislike of falling
  66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp – I feel like this should not be a tourist destination
  67. Bounced a check
  68. Flown in a helicopter
  69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
  70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
  71. Eaten Caviar – I did not enjoy the experience
  72. Pieced a quilt
  73. Stood in Times Square
  74. Toured the Everglades
  75. Been fired from a job
  76. Seen the Changing of the Guard in London
  77. Broken a bone
  78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
  79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
  80. Published a book – no discipline or talent, but I love the idea
  81. Visited the Vatican
  82. Bought a brand new car – I am still unconvinced that this is anything but a horrid waste of money
  83. Walked in Jerusalem – next time I go to Israel for work
  84. Had your picture in the newspaper – most recently with Sarah on the cover of the Herald’s local news section, when we were at the ‘picnic at the Citadel’ thing
  85. Read the entire Bible – More than once, in different translations
  86. Visited the White House
  87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating – only fish
  88. Had chickenpox – I still have one scar
  89. Saved someone’s life
  90. Sat on a jury – I’ve never even been called for jury selection; I have been paying taxes for over 20 years now
  91. Met someone famous – lots of writers, some musicians, and a couple of actors
  92. Joined a book club
  93. Lost a loved one
  94. Had a baby – well, not personally, but you know that’s down to biology
  95. Seen the Alamo in person
  96. Swum in the Great Salt Lake – I did drive by it, but SLC freaked me out, so we didn’t stay any longer than absolutely necessary
  97. Been involved in a law suit
  98. Owned a cell phone
  99. Been stung by a bee

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