Caving in for a meme

(This meme contracted from Kristine Smith, who’s books I quite enjoy desipte their mil-porn covers (well, the first three anyway), and who’s answer to the last question really made me smile.)

Be warned, unless you are me, the odds are good you will not recognize all of these names, but Google will not let you down.

Best fictional character to . . .

. . . be at your side after the apocalypse:Greg Rivas or Agent 355
. . . be at your side fighting a war: Shimon Bar-El or Donal Graeme
. . . take over the world with: The Brain or Slippery Jim DiGriz
. . . run your country with: Haviland Tuf or I. M. Fletcher
. . . be stuck on a desert island with: Jeeves or Shahrázád
. . . marry, grow old and have children with: Lorelai Gilmore or Makri
. . . wander the wilderness with: Miyamoto Usagi or Veralidaine Sarrasri
. . . sail the seven seas with: Stephen Maturin or Irene Adler
. . . be your mad scientist: Buckaroo Banzai or Arthur Morton McAndrew
. . . ride off into the sunset with: Emma Peel

(That’s 13 from books, 3 from TV, 2 from comics, and 1 from a movie)

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.