Tag: equality

You can learn something new every day

I followed a stay Twitter link today that lead to this short discussion of how to deal with someone acting racist: I found that interesting enough that I spent some time looking at other vlogs from the same dude, which lead me to this one, East Coast Cats and Christopher Street Boys, which I particularly liked: I’m pretty New York… Read more →

Thursday evening notes

Watching Maine becoming #5 this week, it occurs to me that while the process may be terribly slow from the perspective of people who just want to be treated equally (and I know I can only say that off-handedly since I already have all the privileges–white, male, straight, etc.) the whole thing is pretty much inevitable at this point. Even… Read more →


Also officially on The List: The Salvation Army. (Note to self–remember this for the next time someone starts off on “faith-based initiatives” and public funding.)

A message for some Californians

We’ve had it in place for several years now, and you know somehow the fabric of civilization has not disintegrated. And, you know, I still haven’t heard any argument against gay marriage that isn’t premised on either “God said so” or “Gays are icky” or both. Also, the best quote I read on this subject today: “I’m waiting for an… Read more →


I’m glad I stayed up to hear Obama’s speech. I do have one unresolved question for California at this point: what the hell is up with Proposition H8? California? Hello? You’re letting me down over there.

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.