If he’s right it will radically alter my marriage…

Everyone should be checking out the Long Bets web site, a portal designed to deal with predictions that stretch significantly into the future. You can vote on the predictions, discuss them, or challenge the predictor to actually bet on their prediction.

There are some very interesting things being discussed here, and everyone with a science fiction bent will find something to chew on. Hell, you could probably find a handful of story ideas (for the writer types) or thought experiments (for the rest of us) in a few minutes.

There is one in particular, though, that made me laugh, since it’s something that–if it comes true–will radically alter my marriage:

Long Bets [16]

Gregory W. Webster predicts: “That by 2020 a wearable device will be available that will use voice recognition capability and high-volume storage to monitor and index conversations you have or conversations which occur in your vicinity for later searching as supplemental memory.”

I’m kind of hoping this doesn’t actually happen. 🙂

(Actually this would be really useful for work… )

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