Day: January 21, 2005

Old habits die hard

Yanking still more (months old) content from the Guardian, is a piece on Shane McGowan. Shane MacGowan doesn’t remember much about leaving the Pogues, except this: “I was glad to get out alive.” The piece is a nice combination of “tales of excess” and “he’s not really like that”, which paints a bit of a picture. (Actually in the article… Read more →

Institutional Inertia

When Trish pointed out to me that a Spanish Cardinal had made a statement substantially changing the policy on condoms of the Catholic Church in Spain, I was momentarily shocked, and then cynical. Here’s a bit of the USA Today article on it (I don’t have a link handy for a more adult news source, but hit Google yourself if… Read more →

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.