Month: February 2005

Those would scare me away

I can understand the idea that wearing very obvious security paraphenalia can be a deterrent to crime, I guess–but I can’t understand an instantiation of this concept that involves things that look like a combination of a Dalek with the combat lingerie from The Linguini Incident. That’s an image from the detail page for one example of Existech’s “Domewear” line.… Read more →

Nicole Blackman

I’ve been sitting here for hours listening to Nicole Blackman tracks. What ever happened to her? She came out of the NY chapbook & spoken word scene and then there was that Golden Palominos album, then her poetry book, then she did those tracks on the Recoil album, then there was the Courtesan Tales thing, and then nothing for a… Read more →

Do these people not read Lovecraft?

If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times: nothing good will come of exploring the intricately carved ruins of the undersea cities. NOTHING GOOD. Tsunami throws up India relics By Soutik Biswas BBC News, Delhi The deadly tsunami could have uncovered the remains of an ancient port city off the coast in southern India. Archaeologists say they… Read more →

Still more sadness

Just so Kansas, Georgia, and all the rest don’t feel lonely at the HillBilly Legislation Barbecue, Virginia has jumped right in with literal fashion police. Fines for ‘droopy drawers’ backed The Virginia state house has voted to outlaw the trend of wearing trousers so low that underwear hangs over the top. Delegates said the habit, popular across the US and… Read more →

Bad Magic

I’m not sure who brought Bad Magic to my notice. I get recommedations from a lot of people I trust, and if something gets recommended highly enough it ends up on my Amazon Wish List (which I use more as a ‘things I will buy’ list than a ‘things I will buy from Amazon’ list or a ‘things I hope… Read more →

Sometimes the world is so wonderful…

OK, so it’s sad that people are dying over this, but how can you not love a story about the underwater gnome colony? And, really, isn’t it a better story because the gnomes are potentially lethal, and have moved to a point where they are protected by the police’s own regulations? Underwater gnome threat ‘returns’ A secret underwater attraction that… Read more →

Segregating the baby pictures

Well, I’m going to kill a couple of birds with one stone here and move all the baby picture stuff out of this blog and into a distinct blog of their own. This lets me allow people to follow either my insane rantings, or the pictures, or both, as they prefer. It allows me to replace the static HTML I… Read more →

Pseudonymous Synchronicity

I have lots of authors on my ‘must buy immediately in hardcover’ list, and one such author is Lisa Goldstein. I was thinking today that it was about time for her to have a new novel out, since it had been quite a while since The Alchemist’s Door, so I popped over to her web page to see if there… Read more →


Well, we haven’t had a baby picture in a while, so… The shirt’s been around for a couple of weeks, the sunglasses are new today. She’s posed in the awesome “high chair” we got from Dave Loop–it just clamps on to the table wherever you are. Read more →

I am old

Buying a house didn’t make me feel old Graduating and starting work full-time didn’t make me feel old. Going bald didn’t make me feel old. Turning 30 didn’t make me feel old. The first time I told a story about some hijinks I had pulled, and the story started with “Fifteen years ago…” I didn’t feel old (much). Becoming a… Read more →

Here there be macroeconomics

(If you were scared by some of my earlier posts following the US currency, you should stay away from this.) So, one of the interesting questions right now in the field of macroeconomics is: who is funding the US? Brad Setser has a great post outlining some of the aspects of this question. For example, we know that in 2003… Read more →

Krugman on Social Security

Once again, in his NY Times op-ed piece, our hero of the dismal science, Paul Krugman, brings a little sanity to an economic issue. This time it’s the Bush administration ‘Social Security Crisis’ talking point. With a tiny bit of math, and a lot of reasoning, Krugman takes apart the projections on which the Bush plan is based, reaching an… Read more →

Hope crushed

So, I was feeling a little hopeful after the recent decision regarding the evolution stickers. (And if you follow links in that earlier post, you can walk back through all my rants about this.) Well, that tiny bit of hope is crushed by the NY Times today: Evolution Takes a Back Seat in U.S. Classes In districts around the country,… Read more →

Just a few months left to build your DVR

What am I talking about? “Build my own DVR?” you say in the same way you would say “Make a radio from coconuts?” Well, here’s the two paragraph summary from the Electronic Frontier Foundation issue page on the ‘broadcast flag‘: Responding to pressure from Hollywood, the FCC has adopted a rule requiring future digital television (DTV) tuners to include “content… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.