Segregating the baby pictures

Well, I’m going to kill a couple of birds with one stone here and move all the baby picture stuff out of this blog and into a distinct blog of their own.

This lets me allow people to follow either my insane rantings, or the pictures, or both, as they prefer. It allows me to replace the static HTML I had been using to share pictures with the family with a blog-based system which makes updating easier, and using the blog engine will allow me to get comments on the pictures, which might be fun. (Also, my friends on dial-up won’t have to wait for the gigantic pictures to load just to read my rantings.)

Anyway, I have discovered that the EXIF information my camera puts into the pictures includes the exact date and time of each shot. Using a tool called Exifier, I have been able to rename each file with the date and time, which has made setting this up much easier. On the blog of Sarah pictures I’ve set the post date and time of each post to the time the photo was taken, so there is a nice chronological progression.

I’m also making use of a plugin on the Sarah blog that lets me upload images easily, and which creates thumbnails for me, so that the main page doesn’t include any large pictures at all, just thumbnails. (Just in case my dial-up friends want to look at the pictures). The thumbnails are all linked to the full-size pictures, which means people in the family can get the full-size images, in case they want to use a digital photo-finishing place to get prints. (I heartily recommend Future Shop’s photo service–normally I hate to buy things at FS, but this service is really top notch.)

Going forward there won’t be any more photos here, but I may point to the other blog from time to time (and, of course, it will show up in the links)

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.