My Daughter The Furnace Technician

As I type this, my daughter is hanging out with the service technician who is here to make our furnace work. She’s fascinated with his work, and told me she’s learning how to fix the furnace so we don’t have to call the guy next time.

Fortunately we have retained power, so the pellet stove is keeping the house warm, but it’s possibly ominous for 2009 that we woke with the furnace not working. Or, to take a more positive spin, maybe it’s a different kind of omen that we had what could have been a major problem (no furnace in the middle of Canadian winter, on a public holiday), but due to several kinds of advance planning it wasn’t. To wit, having an alternate heating system means that having the furnace down is only a minor inconvenience, and being on a service plan with our oil provider means that the fact that it’s a holiday and a blizzard hasn’t prevented the service guy from showing up and that we don’t have to pay anything special for it.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.