And so it begins

So, on the one hand we have Harper making speeches about how this isn’t the time for Conservatives to be ideological, and how they need to govern “for all the people”…

Conservatives must put ideology aside as they prepare to weather looming economic challenges facing the country, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Thursday.

Harper told Conservatives they must be practical in their approach to the future and heed the concerns of all people, whether they support the Tories or not.

While at the same time, we have Jim Flaherty revealing the first part of the plan – sell off even more Crown Assets:

The federal government is considering the sale of some of Crown assets as a way of balancing its budget and avoiding a deficit, Canada’s finance minister said Thursday.

Speaking with reporters during the Conservative party’s policy convention in Winnipeg, Jim Flaherty wasn’t specific about which assets might be put up for grabs.

Yeah, because privatizing assets that should be held in common has worked out so well in the past. We can just depend on the markets, of course. Isn’t that the lesson of history?

Ouch. I cut myself on my own sarcasm there.

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.