Well, colour me shocked.

It turns out there’s a party running in our federal election who I am even more opposed to than the ReformConservatives.

Yes, I just found out today about the Christian Heritage Party.

Apparently they’ve been around since 1988, but they’ve never even showed up on my radar before. Since they’ve usually only run candidates in less than 1/6 of the ridings in the country, it’s possible I’ve never had a CHP candidate in my riding before–or maybe I did and just didn’t notice.

Anyway, I noticed a sign today in my riding (Halifax West) for a CHP candidate, so I had to look up some information on them.

You can take a look if you’re interested. It’s good for either a “point and laugh at the Jesuslanders” or an “interesting how they spin the issues” (especially on their policy comparison chart).

This bit of the Wikipedia summary pretty much wrapped it up for me:

It also claims to be Canada’s only pro-life federal political party, and emphasizes that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms acknowledges “God” (in its members’ interpretation meaning the Judeo-Christian God) in its preamble. Other policies include staunch opposition to same sex marriage, staunch support for the US-led war in Iraq, and a subsidy for parents raising children, to encourage one parent to stay at home rather than working.

Yeah, those are not people I ever want represented, much less governing. Fortunately, their populate vote percentage, which started at 3.5% in the ridings they ran in, has shrunk since their formation to around 1% in the ridings they run in. I’m actually a little disappointed, if not surprised, that 1 in 100 voters apparently wants Canada to join Jesusland.

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