Raging Out: DVD designed to create xenophobia works

So, the Clarion fund, which exists to “educate the public about the threat of Islamic terrorism” has massively distributing their DVD, which sure seems designed to make Americans afraid of brown people.

Interesting, the fund seems to have done this massive distribution in the swing states only. I wonder what objective they could hope to achieve by fanning the flames of fear and xenophobia in the swing states a few weeks before the election?

Of course if the goal was getting support for McCain by creating that good old Rovian fear of the other, then the people setting that goal are probably quite willing to take on some collateral damage to do so. They probably aren’t worried that building this kind of xenophobia leads pretty quickly to children getting tear-gassed or pepper-sprayed

Yeah, you read that right–some bastards in Ohio sprayed a “chemical irritant” into a room full of children and infants. The report I linked to above is pretty dry–try reading an email from someone who was there.

Since becoming a parent I know I am much more sensitive to threats against children, and all my carefully crafted veneer of civilization just drops away when stuff like this happens.

I don’t understand why I don’t see this story in the major media. It would be the headline on every paper if it were white children and brown criminals.

And I bet if the police do catch these guys they get charged with something relatively minor. Certainly not charged under the terrorism statues that would be used if it were brown criminals and white children.

And you know, it might be nice if someone besides DKos drew a line between those DVDs being distributed, and the gassing of those children.

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