US Election Much Less Scary This Week

I’m pretty confident in Obama pulling it off at this point. I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but with McCain imploding, Palin being more of a joke every day, and this latest round of Hail Mary bullshit, I’m feeling pretty good.

And, you know, almost every time I hear Obama speak I find myself agreeing with him. I just watched a 22 minute speech in which he outlined a number of concrete plans, and every one of them seemed right to me. More than that, they showed signs of being actual policies that someone thought through in order to solve particular problems–man it would be nice to feel like the hand at the helm of Murrika was someone capable of, you know, deliberation.

Here’s the speech:

With “losing the election” moving down my list of worries, that just means “the Kennedy scenario” and “military coup” both move up. The news today that the Army is deploying forces inside America for the first time since the civil war doesn’t make me feel any better about either of those, btw. You think anyone will feel it when Caesar crosses the Rubicon?

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