Mixing It Up 0: The Introduction

Since I’ve been insanely busy with work the last couple of weeks, and I don’t see it clearing up in the immediate future, I’m going to resort to a little easy posting. Let me explain…

Two of the girls (do I have to call them women now?) who work at my excellent local comic shop are members of an all-girl rockabilly group called The Stolen Minks. If you need to know something about the band, here are some informational bits:

OK, so we’ve established who the Minks are, and that I have a passing acquaintance with two of them from the comic shop.

Right now the Minks are on a massive cross-country tour. (See tour details at the tour blog.) In preparation for this tour, Rachelle (the one in the back in the photo) posted a request for mix CDs on her quite popular comics blog.

So, here’s the point: during a fit of being bored with my job, I took this as an excuse to make up 5 different themed mix CDs. And over the next five days, I’m going to outline what I put on each mix, and why. And maybe when the ladies get back from tour I can find out if there was even one tune on the old-balding-dad’s mixes that was new to them, and that they liked.

Oh, one other aside: I was offered the chance to drive the girls around on their tour. There was a time in my life when I would have been all over that, just for the road trip, much less the “on tour with an all girl band” thing. (Hell, I’ve been known to do the roadie thing recently, even as an old married dad, for shorter tours).

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