Month: December 2006

This is my good friend

That’s a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug believed to work through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX), thus inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. There are at least 2 variations of cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2), and this inhibits both COX-1 and COX-2. It appears that its analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory activity are achieved principally through COX-2 inhibition; whereas COX-1 inhibition is responsible for its unwanted effects on… Read more →

My progeny Simpsonified

This weekend my local comic shop had local Renaissance manWhat else do you call someone who is a sketch comic, a puppeteer, a cartoonist, a bon vivant, and a comic book artist, among other things? Mike Holmes in the store doing Simpsons-style caricatures of people who came by. While I passed on the chance, for fear of looking a little… Read more →

Another One Bites The Dust…

Quoting from the Independent Online: Augusto Pincohet 1915-2006: He took his crimes to the grave Augusto Pinochet, the former dictator who ruled Chile with an iron fist from 1973 until 1990, died in a high-security military hospital in the capital, Santiago, yesterday. His death from heart failure leaves a disputed legacy of brutal political repression; salvation from Marxism; and civil… Read more →


Well, after five years with my previous ISP, they finally pissed me off enough to overcome my basic intertia, and I switched over to Bluehost this weekend. If you’re seeing this message, then you’re already seeing my site on Bluehost. I also moved a couple of other sites, and a couple of mailing lists I run. To make a long… Read more →

Change in real cost of food items

So, essentially, the worse something is for you, the cheaper it has become over the last two decades, while at the same time the things that are most good for you are becoming more and more expensive. The trend is clearly towards a society where only the upper classes can afford a healthy diet. You know, the idea that the… Read more →

How my evening went.

My lovely little “first snow of the year” turned into 15cm (six inches) of heavy fluffy blizzard. I may not have mentioned, but my wife is out of town this week, back in Ontario for a family emergency. This means it’s just Sarah and I here, and that means that Sarah is already spending longer at the day care than… Read more →

It had to happen eventually.

Yes, the first snow of 2007 is finally falling. You might not be able to tell from that photo, but it’s really coming down in the big wet flakes. If I have to shovel later, it’s going to be one of those really heavy loads. This is the view from our rarely-used sitting room, which clearly shows that I have… Read more →

Weirdest thing I saw this weekend

I was out for a drive with my daughter on Saturday, enjoying the ridiculously beautiful (and unseasonable) day. We decided to drive down the South Shore, along the coast. As we passed one of the beaches, there was a lot of cars there, and a lot of people out on the beach. Now, it was unseasonable warm for early December,… Read more →

I would like some obscure information

I know that somewhere out there, someone has this information, but I can’t seem to find it. Imagine you have ten empty shelves. You’re going to fill these shelves with books, and assume that you want to shelve the books alphabetically by author. Further assume that the books you want to shelve are more-or-less randomly distributed by author’s names. Now,… Read more →

Dion, huh? Interesting.

Look, I didn’t want Ignatieff. He pissed me off. I was interested in seeing how Bob Rae would have played out. I think that would have been fun to watch either way–if he transcended his baggage in Ontario, or if it was a glorious disaster. (Certainly, as an NDP, it would have been interesting to see a former NDP Premier… Read more →

Forthcoming books…

Pal Gwenda points out the online version of Locus’ Forthcoming Books list through next September and asks what we’re lusting after. I’ve gone through the list and tried to pick out the top three each month, where “top three” is defined as “three I am most excited about reading”, which is not necessarily the same thing as “three I am… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.