Worth A Thousand Words…

So, what does it say about your poker skills if you place further back in the tournament ranks than this guy? Someone who is clearly approaching the lethal dose of marijuana?

N.A.M., Esq

Actually, I had a good time at the tournament on Saturday night, not least because of the not-poker-in-any-way antics with the rubber stamps.

Sunday was also fun, with the highlight of the afternoon clearly being Sarah’s trip to “the farm” and her pony ride:

Pony ride

During the ride Sarah seemed oddly low-affect. When I asked her if she was having fun she said “yes” in a very calm, abstract way. This what not at all what I expected, especially after all her talk about riding “Tony The Pony” earlier this year.

However, about twenty minutes after we left the farm, she suddenly seemed to get very excited and started telling me over and over how she had ridden on “Duchess”, and how she had ridden on a pony “outside”, etc.

It’s almost like there’s a twenty-minute tape delay while she processes what’s happening. Weird.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.