46% of Americans “not too bright”


So, just to review:

Adminstration fabricates evidence and knowingly misleads the country into a way: OK
Administration tramples civil rights several ways: That’s fine
Administration’s crazy war kills 1000s of Americans and 1000000s of brown people: No problem
Supposedly ‘conservative’ Administration cuts taxes and raises spending to result in record deficits even though they started with record surplus: Sure
Administration displays utter incompetence in crisis after crisis: Nobody’s perfect
Outrageous graft at all opportunites, particularly by companies that are still paying salaries to Administration members: Why not?
Administration defecates on Constitution, especially separation of powers: Not a problem
Imperial President commits felonies, but declares that law doesn’t apply to him: I guess so
Imperial President outs covert agents, endangering her life and those of all her contacts, in a fit of pique: Don’t mess with Texas

and so on through all the myriad other things

but, “Gas Prices Go Up” and now suddenly it’s not OK?

I hate the world.

(I did like Alex‘s comment when we discussed this: “If only there was a provision in the constitution linking gas prices to impeachment…”)

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.