Implosions Make Me Happy

In my Firefox bookmarks, I have a “To Blog” folder, where I store links I want to come back to later and say something about. Inside that folder, there are some additional subfolders that break things down into rough categories. The most populous of these folders is the “Hate Bush” folder, with well over 125 bookmarks in it.

I mention this by way of establishing a context for my delight at the continuing implosion of the Bush administration; my delight that the American people seem to finally be waking up to what the Bush administration is all about.

Petulant BushOr, as CBS News puts it: Bush Ratings At All-Time Low

The latest CBS News poll finds President Bush’s approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 34 percent, while pessimism about the Iraq war has risen to a new high.

I love how they ran a picture of Bush with that story that shows him making the petulant baby face. Hell, my 18-month old has already outgrown that face.

On individual issues, the results are much worse for Bush: Only 30% approve of his handling of the Iraq war (and who are these people? That’s still something like 10 million stone crazy people.)

Oh, and then there’s this:

Just 18 percent said they had a favorable view of the vice president, down from 23 percent in January.

(What’s stronger than “stone crazy”? I’m not sure how to describe those 18%.)

Of course, I’m sure that these number have nothing to do with this other article I read this morning, which also delights me:

Vice President Dick Cheney is expected to retire within a year.

Senior GOP sources envision the retirement of Mr. Cheney in 2007, months after the congressional elections. The sources said Mr. Cheney would be persuaded to step down as he becomes an increasing political liability to President Bush.


I guess you can argue for torture, argue against civil liberties, get paid by private companies that you give no-bid contracts to while in office, and leak the identity of CIA agents, but when you start shooting old men in the face, that’s where Americans draw the line.

It’s hard to imagine Bush actually running things without Cheney around, though. Hell, even Bush thinks so:

Mr. Bush, the sources said, has rejected the advice from circles close to his father, the former president, to dismiss Mr. Cheney. They say Mr. Bush has long regarded Mr. Cheney as the experienced hand in national security, as well as being trusted by the conservative wing of the Republican Party.

“The Libby case is far more lethal than the hunting accident,” another GOP source said. “If the heat gets too much, Cheney might say his health requires him to leave office. Whatever happens, the president will make sure it’s handled delicately.”

I wonder if the Libby case would have been as much of an issue, if the great masses hadn’t had the shooting story to help frame their thoughts and suspicions about Cheney? Oh well, I’m just glad it’s all falling apart for them.

Of course, I wish the Democrats had an alternative to offer, in order to actually make use of this vaccuum. Sigh.

And some people are even happier about this than I am. Check out Cenk Uygur‘s triumphant piece, We Got Him, over at the Huffington Post:

It’s over. Bush’s house of cards has just come crumbling down. We suspected it might just be a matter of time, but now it’s officially over!

No one recovers from a 34% approval rating. I’ll tell you why — because even the most inept politician realizes you run away from a 34, not towards it. The entire United States Congress, Democrats and Republicans, have no choice but to run from this President — as fast as they possibly can

I hope that’s true.

And I hope that there isn’t a conveniently timed terrorist attack on U.S. soil to drive everyone back into line behind El Commandante.

I am also enjoying watching Harper’s government go through their own implosions, especially the Emerson thing. And I love the fact that Harper has already pissed off the press–way to waste the honeymoon, dude.

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