
I would like to write about last night’s movie night.

However, I’m not sure I can. I’m still laughing when I think about it.

Let’s just say this:

“The act of death has caused another life to be reborn. Together we share the wonder of human existence, and let there be no doubt that all of us are brothers. There can be no beginning or ending that does not in some way touch another, for our actions affect the lives and destinies of the many. You must each decide what your life will be. You must always know that a hand extended to your fellow man is a gesture of love, love that asks nothing, expects nothing; it is simply there. And if love is in you, then gentle will be all your steps as you walk beyond this valley.”

But, all of that aside, be sure to remember the Important Lesson: If you’re going to do peyote, do not–I repeat, DO NOT–dress up as a super hero. Nothing good will come of it.

At least our bad movies were “so bad they were funny” bad and we had a good time watching them. Unlike, say, Bloodrayne, which is apparently “so bad you need to write a very funny review to save innocents from the pain of watching it” bad.

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.