1 down, 2 to go

Search For Signs...Well, this came in the mail today. That means of the Seven Movies I Still Need On DVD, there’s only two left to go.

(I recently realized that all of the movies on that list are ones I saw in Waterloo at the Princess. And there are other DVDs in my collection with the same history–most notably including the Chomsky documentary, which I bought for TALL DOLLARS from the NFB on VHS after seeing a screening, and which was rereleased in 2002 on DVD. I was pretty happy to order that, I’ll tell you.)

I wonder when we will have the family screening of this. You really need to be awake to get the most out of it, and lately we’ve been pretty tired most evenings…

Anyway, it’s a lovely package, one disc of the movie, and a second disc of extras. The extras include outtakes (of course), conversations with Tomlin and Wagner, and what appear to be lots of short character bits, among other things.

Oh, and oddly: the spelling of ‘Intelligent’ seems to be correct on the DVD. For some reason this annoys me.

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