Taxidermy Art

SquirrelSquirrelSo, seriously, is it wrong that I really, really think that a scotch decanter made out of a dead squirrel would be dead funny?

That’s only one of the amusing items at Custom Creature Taxidermy Arts.

This artist’s story begins as an unassuming science nerd who attended art school to study painting and sculpture at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, earning a BFA in 1992. The artist principally worked with oil paint, found objects and animal remains. Incorporating animal remains into sculpture and abstract painting for over a decade gradually evolved into the art of taxidermy. Although now a licensed taxidermist engaged in free-lance projects for various educational institutions and museums, the artist primarily concentrates on creating her outlandish reveries of fur and flesh.

I would also be seriously amused to have a Chimera or a Griffin at the front door. Something like that could really spice up the entry area.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.