News Of The Weird

Everyone and their cousin has seen the six-legged, two penis dog story by now, so I won’t go into that. I do, however, want to take a moment to call attention to a couple of “news of the weird” items from last week that shouldn’t slip by without attention.

First, is the story about the German sex huts.

What makes me laugh about this story is not the fact that prostitution is legal in Germany–that doesn’t strike me as such a bad idea, with sufficient legislation and regulation. (I.e. convince me that anyone doing it is doing it by choice, and not because they are being compelled by physical threat, addiction, etc, and institute a medical examination routine, and I can see a good argument for making it legal. I can’t really see the point of being a customer, though.)

What makes me laugh about this story is not that they are expecting 40,000 prostitutes for the World Cup, nor what that says about the fans of the Cup.

What makes me laugh about this story is that they are not just building extra “sex huts” so that prostitutes and their customers have a place to go, but that they are building “drive-in wooden sex huts”. I guess “drive-in” is better than “drive through”.

The second story, about a crazy Greek Cypriot, is so good that I am going to break some rules and put the whole thing here (although you can see the source at Reuters if you don’t believe me.) The emphasis is mine:

NICOSIA (Reuters) – Cyprus international airport operations were disrupted when a man drove a car under parked planes and forced a taxiing airliner to change course to avoid a collision, authorities said.

A chase to catch the driver, identified as a 30-year-old Greek, disrupted airport traffic Wednesday night.

Control tower workers raised the alarm after seeing a car speeding under parked aircraft at Larnaca airport on Cyprus’s southeast coast.

A Cyprus Airways jet which had just landed had to change course to avoid collision. “The car was heading straight for us,” the pilot said.

The man was being questioned by police, who suspect he was fleeing after being caught taking cookies from a nearby bakery.

I thought I loved baked goods, but this guy takes it to a whole other level, going completely Widescreen Movie Action in his attempt to snag a few cookies.

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.