Fauxlent Green

Eat HufuAll the taste of Soylent Green, none of the moral dilemmas!

I actually don’t know if hufu, the human-flesh flavoured tofu, is real or a good joke, but I’m leaning pretty heavily towards it being a lovely parody. Their website will sell you a lot of t-shirts & even the Soylent Green DVD, but appears to be back-ordered on their nominal product, and the only news coverage I can find is in a college paper.

However, their FAQ is great:

Who actually buys HufuTM?

HufuTM was originally conceived of as a product for students of anthropology hungry for the experience of cannibalism but deterred by the legal and logistical obstacles. However, our preliminary market research revealed the existence of a larger segment of the public that was interested in the availability of a legal and healthy human flesh substitute, as well as vegetarians and vegans. We also found that HufuTM is a great product for cannibals who want to quit. HufuTM is also a great cannibal convenience food — no more Friday night hunting raids! Stay at home and enjoy the flavorful, convenient human flesh alternative.

MillaAs an added bonus, the story of how they got their name gives me an excuse to post an image of Milla.

He also claims that the name “hufu” was actually coined by actress and model Milla Jovovich. Several years ago, a business associate was discussing Nuckols’ idea, then called “hofu,” with a friend on a Eurostar train going from London to Paris. Jovovich, intrigued, allegedly turned around to join in the conversation, commenting, “‘Hofu’ sounds like ‘cock’ — you should call it ‘hufu.'”

“As far as I can speculate, she meant ‘ho food,'” Nuckols said. “She’s a supermodel — she doesn’t have to make sense.”

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.