Where have I been?

It’s been a very busy week here at Le Château De La Folie. Nothing that would make a good story, though: lots of extra hours of work for me (and indeed, there are developments at work that I am not best pleased with; nothing serious, just annoying), and lots of parent stuff that needed doing around the house. Oh, and of course there was poker night, and there was that whole “blowing off Jonathan Lethem” thing.

However, while I’ve been too busy to post here, I haven’t been ignoring the world going by. Indeed, to steal a bit from Bill Hicks (remember, I’m not cool enough to be part of the hip anti-Hicks backlash) I’ve been “filling up my hump of hate”, and you’ll see some of that over the next few posts.

(An interesting aside: this may change as I post this and the following bits, but right now if you search Google for the phrase “hump of hate”, this blog is the top hit.)

Of course, even on my blacker days there are always some things that can make me smile, or remind me that there is beauty in the world. I’ll try to fit a little of that in too, but maybe not tonight.

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.