Start reading the top IP law blogs in less than five minutes

One of the areas of interest to me as a concerned liberal is the area of intellectual property–I am concerned about copyright extension and the erosion of the public domain, I’m concerned about software patents and the stifiling of innovation, and I’m perhaps most generally concerned about the way our various governments seem to put the short term economic good of the large corporate entities ahead of the rarely mentioned “public good”.

So naturally, when I read that the kids over at Promote The Progress were making available an OPML file of the best Intellectual Property legal blogs, I hopped on over an grabbed it. You will likely soon start seeing some posts arising for things I’ve read on the sites they include–it’ll be nice to get more than just Lessig‘s thoughts on some of this stuff.

If you don’t know how to use an OPML file, they also have some simple instructions on importing it into your aggregator. If you don’t know what an aggregator is… well, if you know me personally you can email me and I’ll walk you through it, otherwise you need to spend some time with Mr. Google.

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