Sweet Home Jesusland

So, I’ve been sitting on a few things for a while, as I was too busy to do much posting. You may see a bunch of slightly dated stuff appearing over the next few days as a consequence.

Anyway, for many years now I’ve thought of Tennessee as the spiritual home of American religious idiocy, dating back to the Scopes Monkey Trial.

However, I am now prepared to cede that bit of infamy to Alabama.

First there was Judge Roy Moore and his whole utterly moronic stand regarding placing a Ten Commandments monument in his courthouse–apparently it’s possible to become a judge in Alabama without hearing, or at least without understand, the phrase “separation of Church and State”–not to mention the subsequent tour he took with the monument.

Then there was Gerald Allen, on whom I have written previously.

And now…

Judge wears Ten Commandments on his robe

Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Staff Reporter

A rural Alabama judge began wearing a robe embroidered with the Ten Commandments to his Andalusia courtroom this week, echoing the statement made by the state Supreme Court chief justice ousted over a Ten Commandments display.

Covington County Presiding Circuit Court Judge Ashley McKathan said he ordered the robe and had it embroidered using his own money. He said he did it because he felt strongly that he should stand up for his personal religious convictions.

“Truth is an absolute value,” McKathan said, “and you can’t divorce the law from the truth. I feel we must resist the modern attempts to discount the truth.”

…more at full article

So you can see why Alabama is now getting the title. As a wiser man than me once asked: “What are you doing Alabama? / You got the rest of the union to help you along / What’s going wrong?”

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