Making Light Of Gerald Allen

I was getting pretty depressed about the whole Gerald Allen story (which I had previously commented on) and then I read Teresa Nielsen Hayden’s take on the piece. She skewers him so thoroughly that I felt immensely better. (Later on, of course, when I start wondering why the mass of Americans, and the Administration in particular, doesn’t see what she sees I’ll get depressed again, but I’m happy now.)

That man is dumber than two bags of hammers on a slow Thursday night. If a lifetime of constant exposure to positive depictions of heterosexuality doesn’t turn children straight, how is it that an occasional depiction of homosexuality is going to turn them gay?

You know what he’s really saying, don’t you? He’s saying that gay sex has straight sex beat all hollow, that’s what.

Teresa is a brilliant woman, by the way, and I rarely regret any time I spend reading Making Light. Also, she has been excommunicated, which is enough on its own to make a person a hero in my books.

Oh, and since I’m name dropping, I once had a lovely midnight lunch at Chang Mai with her and Neil Gaiman. Mostly I sat there like an idiot while they discussed some changes to American Gods, but it was enough to know she’s just as bright in person as she is in print.

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