Day: November 24, 2004

He’s not Bob Geldof

I ran into the Czeslaw Milosz (that’s “Nobel Laureate Miolsz” to you) poem below, in one of this month’s magazines. I avoided typing it in by finding a copy already on the web along with a reading of the poem in it’s original tongue. Song on the End of the World On the day the world ends A bee circles… Read more →

I love Harper’s

What you will find below are sample quotes from Precalculus For Christians, a text book published by that bastion of scientific thought, Bob Jones University, as reported in this month’s Harper’s magazine. Apparently the text is designed to help students “conform their thinking to biblical precepts.” (As an aside, I am stunned to realize I got my first Harper’s subscription… Read more →

So Yesterday

So, let’s talk for a little bit about Scott Westerfeld. I had been hearing his name for some time in regards to his Succession series (well, two books might not officially be a series, so we could just refer to them by title as The Risen Empire and The Killing of Worlds) which always came up in that Intelligent New… Read more →

‘Economic Armageddon’?

Wow, I thought I was getting close to tinfoil hat territory on the whole currency/economy thing, and along comes Morgan Stanley’s chief economist who makes me look like Pollyanna. Here’s the first few paragraphs, but you’ll want to read the whole thing: Stephen Roach, the chief economist at investment banking giant Morgan Stanley, has a public reputation for being bearish.… Read more →

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.