Month: September 2008

Some Lovely Canadian Music

While I was driving today, I took the opportunity to listen to Tom Barlow’s eponymous album. I’ve mentioned the album here a couple of time before, embedding the song Billion Dollar Rockets in a previous post, and also discussing How Low Can You Get and Married By Elvis in some other posts. So I did a little YouTube digging when… Read more →


No problem. One hour of mist and fog, three hours of full on torrential downpour and high winds, and then seven hours of lovely fall driving in the “clear after a storm” weather.

Passed six cars in the ditch, and eleven emergency response vehicles with lights flashing during the downpour bit. These are people who don’t slow down even when the highway is under water and they’re hydroplaning along at 120km/h. Thinning the herd.

A/C stopped working in Maine. Windows down, driving fast, listening to Thin Lizzy and the Clash really loud. Excellent.


You know, I probably wouldn’t be worried about this storm if Jesus was my friend.

It’s hard out there for an atheist.

Road Trip?

In theory I’m driving down to Boston tomorrow. My route will look something like this: The tiny eight ball there indicates roughly where I expect to be at around 2PM local time. Why 2PM? Hold that thought. Normally I take the southern route, going through Saint John, and crossing into Maine much closer to the ocean, but for reasons that… Read more →

I Just Don’t Get It.

In some ways I’m a classic information theory junkie–Claude Shannon changed the way I think about the universe just as much as any golden book. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is something that I keep thinking I’ve finally had my “kick from the knee” moment with, and then something comes along to make it clear to me that I… Read more →


If you’re reading this in an RSS reader, you probably haven’t noticed that Homo Sum now has “asides”–certain short posts that display differently from the larger more detailed posts.

At the moment they only display differently on the front page–not when you’re looking at them in single pages, or in any kind of archive, or from RSS.

These are implemented with the help of the AsideShop plugin for WordPress.


I’ve been holding this link, brought to my attention by Jeff Ford, to a story on the Dancing Plague (and some other odd afflictions). I find the theorizing quite interesting, although I suspect the truth, when it is discovered, will end up being something to do with parasitism.

A Linkpost Before Sleeping

I think I’m going to soon look at setting up the site with “asides”, so that instead of gathering up large buckets of links that I have only a few comments on, I can just drop them in as “asides” between my longer and more content-y posts. In the meantime, another (possibly final) agglomeration of miscellaneous links. This might be… Read more →

Browser Neepery 2008 Style

So, like all the other serious geeks, I’ve been playing with Google Chrome for a the last couple of days. In general, I like it–it’s fast, and there are lots of nice little UI bits that I quite like, plus the deep nerd in me likes the multi-process architecture and the built-in memory profiling, etc. However there is absolutely no… Read more →

Labour Day Gallimaufry

I note that unlike most North Americans, I understand the roots of Labour Day. And while what I do has no relationship to organized labour, I do find something bitterly ironic about taking a day off to celebrate the standard work week (among other things) when I am regularly working some hours almost every week night to accommodate Australian coworkers,… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.