Month: May 2006

I am not making this up

Please go read this Reuters article: Fortune-telling judge couldn’t see it coming. There’s something funny in every paragraph. Actually, you know what, I’m going to do a commentary. Here’s the first paragraph. I challenge you to read it aloud with a straight face: A Philippine judge who claimed he could see into the future and admitted consulting imaginary mystic dwarfs… Read more →

…they all have a way of beginning in Lankhmar.

So, did you see that Dark Horse is planning to reprint the Lanhkmar books? And reprint the old Epic comic adaptations? And that they have the movie license? And that they’re going to do some comic adaptations? You can see how this came about: First, they are having a (surprising) success with the Conan comics, and they are actively searching… Read more →

Recommended Reading: Empire Of Ice Cream

A lovely large box of books arrived on Friday, and amongst them was one I was terribly anxious for: The Empire of Ice Cream, the new short story collection by Jeffrey Ford. It might be a bit early, but I think I’m prepared to make the call that this will be the short story collection of the year.At some point… Read more →

Reaction Shots

Laughing: as Christopher Rowe does a 70s-cop-flying-tackle citizen’s arrest of Sentator Bill Frist for possession of Latin. Confused: at why Donna Martin is in a movie called Cthulhu. Why not just call it “Shadow Over Riversmouth”? Sad: upon hearing of the death of John Kenneth Galbraith. Awed: at the size of Stephen Colbert’s balls. Pleased: to see local comic retailer,… Read more →

For All Intensive Purposes

I thought my little brother was the only person who thought the expression “for all intents and purposes” was actually “for all intensive purposes”, but it appears not. TNH, in a post that follows on nicely from the Guardian article I linked to yesterday, has a giant list of such mistakes, in what is clearly an attempt to make my… Read more →

Beer Exploration

Presenting the top five beers I want to try, but as yet have been unable to secure tasting samples of: Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout from North Coast Brewing Goose Island Oatmeal Stout from Goose Island Beer Company (and I wouldn’t turn up my nose at a chance to try their Bourbon County Stout either!) Cadillac Mtn. Stout from the… Read more →


…I guess you can see how that went. I made two big discoveries during this past week: 1) Full time parenting of a 20-month old is a lot more tiring than full-time parenting of a 6-month old. Sarah’s been in day care since she was six months old, and this is the first time she’s been with us for 10… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.