15 search results for "schneier"

Schneier: The Eternal Value of Privacy

At this point it should be firmly established that Bruce Schneier is like unto a god among my people. His essay, The Eternal Value of Privacy, which showed up on Wired News yesterday, only does more to cement his position in the firmament. Here’s the closing three paragraphs from the piece, but do go read it all–it’s only a page.… Read more →

Monday Miscellany

It’s really a miscellany today. I was half-tempted to title this 88 lines about 44 links, and maybe even do it in some kind of poetic structure, but fortunately a combination of laziness and good sense prevailed. Nice to see that former local (and HGPA-member) Brian O’Malley‘s movie deal is actually happening–at least leads are being cast and a start… Read more →

Favourite Blog Memery

So, over at Shaken & Stirred my pal Gwenda says some very nice things about this blog, and then tags me with one of those memes: list your top five non-book blogs. This is both easier and much harder than “list your top five blogs”. It’s easier since the vast majority of the blogs I followI do have literally hundreds… Read more →

This city is insane

I am so embarrassed for Boston. I keep alternating between wanting to laugh and wanting to punch someone. I want to laugh when I think about all this fuss over some litebrite aliens. I want to punch someone when some old man make a statement about how this is all very serious, or when I hear news organizations reporting on… Read more →

A Friday Miscellany

Photographer Bobby Neel Adams has a web gallery of images, including a set of what he calls “age-maps” which are created by photomontaging images of the same person at radically different ages. At first they look kind of cool, but the more I look at them the more they creep me out. Really, really creep me out. I can’t figure… Read more →

Some Bush-hatin’

So, look, I’ve been good about this, right? I’ve gone several weeks without a rant. It’s been a while since I went off on how bad the Bush administration is. I haven’t quoted DeLong‘s Theory that “The Bush administration is not only worse than you imagine even after taking account of the fact that it is worse than you imagine,… Read more →

Civil liber-what-nows?

USA PATRIOT Act, Domestic Security Enhancement Act, C-7 (see), etc. It just never seems to stop, does it? My thoughts, I’m pretty sure, can’t top the supposed Franklin quotation about people who would trade liberty for security. I’ll quote someone else, just as concise and valuable, for the sake of diversity: “Experience should teach us to be most on our… Read more →

Wednesday Linkfest

B3n (yes, that is a three), who is another online acquaintance from the Delphi days, is just as much of a language pedant as I am, and shows it while talking about the list of recent additions to the OED. I completely agree that they’re taking the whole ‘descriptive’ thing a bit far… While it does slightly warm my heart-cockles… Read more →

Oh good: depressing and cynical

So, I’m happy about old Tom, but let’s do a quick pass over some other news: * * * Colorado parents burn books – Wikinews Norwood, Colorado parents recently burned copies of Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima after having them pulled from the area high school’s curriculum. Millie Davis, of the National Council of Teachers of English, said “I’m flabbergasted… Read more →

A Miscellany

A fun blog to read: Pharyngula by U.Minn. biology professor Paul Z. Myers. At least it’s fun for me to read, since the content often involves smacking down various ridiculous “Intelligent Design” proponents and other pseudo scientific drivel. Plus, lots of scientific goodness. One fun thing to look into here is the ongoing intellectual beating Myers is giving George Gilder.… Read more →

Short Cuts

Despite the title of this post, there is no complex interconnection between these various stories. (… or is there?) First, there was the announcement about the government’s continued increased funding of the CBC (not “continuning to increase”, just “continuing the last increase”) that Tod Maffin blogged about. (As a CBC employee, you can imagine that Tod is particularly interested.) I’m… Read more →

Like unto a God among my people

Have I mentioned that Bruce Schneier is like unto a God among my people? I mean the deep geeks, like me, are into him because he’s a leading cryptographer–his Twofish algorithm (which I actually implemented in a product at the last company) was an AES candidate–and he’s written interesting technical books on cryptography. However, he’s also a writer on more… Read more →

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.