14 search results for "pharyngula"

Hypocrisy on parade

There’s an evil tableau for you: the callous torturer stands up with blood on his hands and a lie in his teeth, while the priest draped in gilt reassures him of his righteousness. How often has that scene played out in history, I wonder? You know, I wouldn’t change a word in what Paul Myers says about the President-Pope meeting.… Read more →

Monday Miscellany

It’s really a miscellany today. I was half-tempted to title this 88 lines about 44 links, and maybe even do it in some kind of poetic structure, but fortunately a combination of laziness and good sense prevailed. Nice to see that former local (and HGPA-member) Brian O’Malley‘s movie deal is actually happening–at least leads are being cast and a start… Read more →

My Country Embarrasses Me

For years now I’ve been known to laughingly comment on the fact that you hear all these wacko religious groups opposing Harry Potter, but you never hear anything about groups opposing Pullman‘s His Dark Materials–a series that is also marketed as YA, and that sells if not Rowlingesque numbers, at least very impressive numbers. This is an especially amusing discrepancy… Read more →

Favourite Blog Memery

So, over at Shaken & Stirred my pal Gwenda says some very nice things about this blog, and then tags me with one of those memes: list your top five non-book blogs. This is both easier and much harder than “list your top five blogs”. It’s easier since the vast majority of the blogs I followI do have literally hundreds… Read more →

Religion and Pornography

Let’s do some embedded YouTube videos quick, before someone notices that YouTube has no business model! I do love the Daily Show. I think this clip nicely captures the beauty of trying to debate the essentially arational. Or, as Paul Myers puts it “This is exactly what I hear when someone tries to promote their favorite cult.” Now, that’s not… Read more →

Raising My Kid With Science

A while back Paul Myers made a list of books for evolutionists. The list included a number of items “for the kids”. I really liked the idea of starting Sarah’s science education early–why not learn about science along with math and vocabulary, etc–so I decided to order some of these books “sometime”. (I figured the odds of them being in… Read more →

Colour me unsurprised. Atheist, and unsurprised.

Hm. Apparently I am deeply distrusted by most Americans just because I don’t need mythology to get through the day. American’s increasing acceptance of religious diversity doesn’t extend to those who don’t believe in a god, according to a national survey by researchers in the University of Minnesota’s department of sociology. From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households,… Read more →

Around the web

Yes, that’s correct, I am still not mentally prepared to take on all the Bush Administration scandals–I’m following all the stories, but it’s already enough to both wear out my anger and make me want a shower, without trying to synthesize it all. Yuck. So, another post of interesting tidbits follows the jump. Read more →

Darwin has a posse

OK, I can’t believe I’m writing about this stuff again (put “evolution” in the search box and you’ll get lots of other posts with related rants), and we’re still in the 21st century. Why do so many people just want to throw their hands up and give up on trying to understand the world… ‘Intelligent design’ taken to court Eighty… Read more →

A Miscellany

A fun blog to read: Pharyngula by U.Minn. biology professor Paul Z. Myers. At least it’s fun for me to read, since the content often involves smacking down various ridiculous “Intelligent Design” proponents and other pseudo scientific drivel. Plus, lots of scientific goodness. One fun thing to look into here is the ongoing intellectual beating Myers is giving George Gilder.… Read more →

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This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.