9 search results for "hope larson"

Meme-ery and Kibbitzing

A few years back, I posted some comments about a “great books in genre” list. One of the comments had to do with the lack of female writers on the list, and I tossed out 20 examples of great genre books by women. Sandra MacDonald has taken that kind of effort to a whole new level, creating a periodic table… Read more →

Sunday night quick book links

As I write this I am watching the Australian movies made from Shane Maloney’s books about Murray Whelan. You may remember that those books were some of the big successes from my first Australian trip, and that I even mentioned the movies when I wrote that stuff up. Well, my usual online sources didn’t make the movies available, but just… Read more →

Busy social schedule

Since moving to the woods five years ago, my social schedule is a pale shadow of what it once was. However, the next couple of weeks will have me back to the level I used to be at, and I’m not sure if I can handle it anymore, when combined with fatherhood and additional work responsibilities. However, I’ll give it… Read more →

Wednesday Linkblogging

OK, let’s clear some tabs. What is up with North America’s unrealistic boob size fascination? Digital enhancements? “…magazine publishers in the US ban stars from appearing on their front covers unless they have at least a C-cup size, or are willing to be digitally enhanced to make it appear as if they have”?!??! Man, we really are all crazy. Does… Read more →

Comics in Halifax

It’s been a big week in comic book news here in Halifax. First there was last week’s release of the third volume of Scott Pilgrim (by current Halifax resident & HGPA member Bryan Lee O’Malley). This was a big enough deal get coverage in a national paper (see a scan here). If you believe what you read on the Internets:… Read more →

No Virus Keeps Me Down.

Instead of resting and recovering tonight, I opted to instead go into town and be a part of the Halifax comic scene. At one point, if I had been carrying a video camera, I could have shot a 15 minute short feature, in one take, that would have won awards. Awards, I say. I would have titled this feature “The… Read more →

She’s From Away

When we moved to Halifax we found out that we were “Upper Canadians”, or more generally “come from aways”. Apparently we will never shed this distinction and become Maritimers, but Sarah has a chance. We’re not the only people to have this kind of experience, of course, and now there’s even a weekly comic strip that’s nominally about it (although… Read more →

What A Busy Weekend

So, just to review: Dark Knight on Friday night. It was well past time for me to have seen it, I know, but having children changes the number of opportunities you have to go to the movies, as well as really altering the economics of the “night at the movies”. And actually the primary reason we went out at all… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.