Making Excuses

I see that the people over at Rotten Tomatoes have compiled a list of the worst reviewed movies so far this millennium.

I was pretty worried about how many of these I’d have seen–I’ve seen some pretty dodgy things this decade–but apparently I have only seen four of the 100 on the list.

Here are my excuses for those:

#79 – Pluto Nash. I have no excuse for this, and can’t even begin to imagine what I was thinking.

#62 – Serving Sara. The excuse here should be obvious. Liz Hurley is a very attractive woman, and she is also a great fan of George MacDonald Fraser’s Flashman books. That’s enough to get me in the door.

#27 – Battlefield Earth. This one I went to with friends, at the cheap cinema, specifically for the purpose of giving the movie the MST3K treatment. I still occasionally scream “split wipe!” when faced with multiple recurring instances of the same kind of incompetence over a short period of time.

#1 – Ballistic: Echs vs. Sever. Yeah, this is the “I’m a very shallow man” excuse again. Lucy Liu is hot. No one, though, is hot enough to justify this movie.

Looking at the rest of the list, well, I don’t quite actually weep for humanity, but…

How many have you seen?

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