Day: July 19, 2009

Farther Beyond Than I Can Apparently Go

Generally speaking I appreciate black humour. Generally speaking I get that especially dry, uniquely British style of humour. Generally speaking any book that’s described as witty, much less as “a masterpiece of wit”, is right up my alley. Generally a book that makes excellent use of metaphoric commentary to satirize and skewer political systems, the general public, and the interaction… Read more →

Your Interests Are Not Their Interests

I’ve been watching, but staying out of, the debate around the US health care system and how it will change. What I don’t understand are the people who resist full insurance because they have good benefits now through work, and don’t see the need to pay for other people’s benefits. I first don’t understand it because I just don’t get… Read more →

Keeping The Noggin Limber

OpenCulture has some interesting (and free) philosophy stuff to listen to. I love this kind of stuff, and it transforms time in the car alone from a choreIt’s only really a chore if there’s traffic or if you’re driving a route you’ve driven millions of time before–if there’s anything novel about it you can always slip into the blue sky… Read more →

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada
This work by Chris McLaren is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada.