Redheads Curse Robot Lennon!

So I have my RSS reader (Omea, if you care) set up to pull down really rather a lot of feeds–somewhere around 350 I’d guess. (I am Mr. Infoload Efficiency, yes I am.)

Lots are folks’ personal blogs, or feeds from news sites, or political blogs, etc. One big category is the “tech stuff”, some of which I follow in order to remain good at my job, and some of which I follow just because I’m a big ol’ Geek.

Gizmodo is definitely in the latter category.

The idea of a site that is updated with short posts linking to all kinds of cool (and silly) gadgets and gizmos is obviously right up my alley. I like technology. I like material expressions of technology. I like Rube Goldberg. It all comes together. I can even ignore the fact that it is part of the Gawker “media empire”. (No link there on purpose.)

You should definitely check out the Gizmodo feed (or read the site for you old school browsers) if that kind of thing interests you at all.

They break the entries down by category, which in theory means you can ignore the seemingly endless stream of posts about cell phones. This, however, is a trick–you see, in addition to having some bit of gadgetry news in each entry, there is also some editorializing. I am pleased to report that the editorial comments are at least amusing and often hilarious, and consequently you will end up reading entries about gizmos that don’t interest you at all (like Yet Another Cell Phone) just so you can read the jokes.

My favourite example, so far, is found in the entry about UV-Deterrent Detergent.

(Note that sometimes, –particularly when the gizmo is question is Japanese–it’s hard to tell where the item description ends and the joke begins. There really is a floating dragon? Man, now I want some Cheetos. I don’t even like Cheetos… unless I’m hungover.)

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